Labor Rights for Female Construction Workers

Karaoke Values Womens' Work
Labor Rights for Female Construction Workers
In second year of project implementation (2017), CWPD, CARE Cambodia, BWTUC and LSCW has continued increasing communication, understanding, media and event through technical support and complementary with addressed the key issue happen with FCW. The project has provided knowledge to FCW by the CWPD outreach team regarding gender and culture; gender and labor rights; labor rights; OSH; alcohol and saving to 1644 FCW (6302 contact) at 62 construction sites. There were 472 education sessions conducted. 25 active peer leaders provided peer education session to 1566 individuals.
Through out peer education session, 167 FCWs received an outreach session on at least 1 topic. 223 FCWs received 2 topics, 109 FCWs received 3 topics, 106 FCWs received 4 topics and 961 FCWs received 5 topics.
Objective: To strengthen capacity of Female Construction Workers on labor rights and to increase and influence of Female Construction Workers.