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Cambodian Women for Peace and Development (CWPD) is a local non-government organization (NGO). CWPD collaborates across divisions, including the government, NGO and private sector. CWPD is dedicated to progress, moving forward to build a peaceful nation, to contribute to improving the quality of life of Cambodian women and their families, to alleviate poverty and enhance social integration of the disadvantaged and the marginal.​


Cambodian Women for Peace and Development (CWPD) began as the Women’s Association of Cambodia (WAC), a nationwide organization, established December 2nd 1978. From 1986 to 1991, it established programs called “Women in Development” (WID) which included family food production, nutrition, literacy, credit, primary health care, reproductive health, sanitation and vocational training. Primary funding was received from the United Nations and other international organizations such as UNICEF, WFP, and IWDA. In 1991, Women’s Association of Cambodia become a non-government organization engaging with national and international institutes; WAC continued implementing community development projects to create more opportunities for women in Cambodia. In 1993, after the general elections, the government established the Secretary of State for Women’s Affairs (currently Ministry of Women Affairs), and WAC assimilated financial and human resources into its structure.


On January 24th, 1994, WAC was recognized by the Council of Ministers by a letter dated January 24th, 1994, no. 132 Sor. Cho. Nor. Phor Kor, signed by Co Secretary of State of the Council of Ministers.


Towards 1999, there was a growing call among members for renewal and strengthening of the organization, believing in its potential to further contribute to development work in Cambodia. This led to a general congress being held in 1999, with the following outcomes: a new constitution, its organizational formation redefined, major reforms in management and a new name, Cambodian Women for Peace and Development (CWPD).


Again, in 2000, CWPD registered with the Ministry of Interior, by a letter no. 453 Sor, Cho Nor dated May 26th, 2000 signed by Co Minister of Interior.


Based on its established multidimensional structure, comprised of provincial and community levels, CWPD’s PNP Headquarters and provincial branches are capable of implementing diverse gender related programs in the fight against poverty. Women are the key players of this organization as educator, negotiator, facilitator and coordinator of the projects. Women are the direct beneficiary and are most effective in facilitating education or discussions with partners, friends, families.

"Women's empowerment is intertwined with respect for human rights."
Mahnaz Afkhami

Our Mission

To promote the status of women in Cambodia by building capacity and confidence to become independent leaders with access to equitable resources and encourage active involvement in social, cultural, economic, and political activities at national, sub-national, and international levels.

Our Mission

Our Vision

All people living in happiness, health, justice, peace, development, and respect under protected equal rights of women and men of Cambodia.

We Need Your Support Today!

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